He tested this idea by using headphones to alter a Bengalese finch's auditory feedback.
Speaker - The speaker provides the cardholder with auditory feedback when a key is pressed.
Altered auditory feedback, so that people who stutter hear their voice differently, has been used for over 50 years in the treatment of stuttering.
Thus auditory feedback is too slow to correct the production of a speech sound in real time.
The importance of auditory feedback in the case of human singing is reviewed by Howell.
This decline is because they lack auditory feedback.
A control group that received noncontingent (false) auditory feedback did not improve.
This has implications for birdsong learning- many birds rely on auditory feedback to acquire and maintain their songs.
This may be the mechanism underlying learning via auditory feedback.
The speaker allows software and firmware to provide auditory feedback to a user, such as to report a hardware fault.