His autocratic control of the Maryinsky is quite unlike the way American orchestras are governed, but it still takes time from music making.
Under his austere and autocratic control, location filming was cut back, and no film was permitted to exceed a budget of £150,000.
They have negligible power, as the leader holds autocratic control over the nation's affairs.
President Mubarak had tight, autocratic control over Egypt.
Should the leadership try to block a vote on the amendment, Republicans say they plan to use it as an example of autocratic Democratic control.
In 1980, William, with assistance from Freddie, attempted to take over the company from Charles, who, they felt, had assumed autocratic control.
Through the decades, he maintained autocratic control over movie sets.
They challenged Theagaroya Chetty's leadership alleging that he was exercising autocratic control over the party.
Did the philosophical founders of true architectural preservation envision such autocratic controls?
They also brought totalitarian autocracy, bringing all aspects of life under autocratic control.