He was an autocratic ruler and very unpopular among the people.
He was an autocratic ruler who treated his people badly and broke his own laws.
As a result, you are guaranteed more years in power as their autocratic ruler.
It takes a lot of effort, and remember, this is an autocratic ruler who doesn't delegate.
Boamponsem is remembered in Denkyiran tradition as a successful but autocratic ruler.
"You had an autocratic ruler reforming for a while and then trying desperately to back away from what had been started."
Today, Arab states are characterized by their autocratic rulers and lack of democratic control.
Human rights and democracy were terribly snatched away by the autocratic rulers.
Indeed, it is unlikely that the present autocratic rulers are likely to voluntarily transfer power to democratically elected leaders any time soon.
Pakistan's history has been dictated, he said, by politics and the personal ideologies of autocratic rulers.