In other democratic and all autocratic systems, the habit of state control prefers to risk the jailing of the innocent.
His songs denounced the social inequalities and autocratic political system of the day.
The agency contended the group's aim was "fundamentally changing the autocratic system in China."
In the words of historian G. R. Elton, "from that moment his autocratic system was complete".
It is believed that the three great empires saw the constitution as a danger to their own autocratic systems of government.
He then began to carefully design an autocratic system, with heavy reliance on family and clan members, oil revenues and patronage.
As Radzinsky writes, "the most dangerous change in an autocratic system was taking place - fear was vanishing."
An autocratic system of coercion, in my opinion, soon degenerates.
In short, it established an autocratic system under a republican veneer.
But, having said that, we must be sure that we are not running from a dictator into an autocratic system.