A young bachelor farmer had just gotten out of bed at 5:30 one morning when he saw a light green four-door Ford LTD pull into his driveway.
Wedding Campaign is 2005 South Korean film about two aging bachelor farmers from Gyeongsang Province.
There are other forces at work, more weird than lethal, like the cult surrounding the late Francis Johnson, a bachelor farmer from the tiny town of Darwin.
Garrison Keillor, the radio poet laureate of dour Norwegian bachelor farmers and other introverts, did not dream up this scenario.
Raymond and Harold McPheron, bachelor farmers who give Victoria a home and care for her.
The filles du Roi were in fact daughters of peasants and poor artisans, shipped over from France as wives for bachelor farmers and fur traders.
In a small Minnesota town, seventy-eight bachelor farmers advertise for companionship, leading to a response far outstripping expectations.
The U.S. version consists of 8 episodes, during which 10 women are trying to be chosen by a bachelor farmer.
Down at the Chatterbox Cafe, nobody's feeling quite up to snuff today, not even the Norwegian bachelor farmers.
But there were bachelor farmers from Canada and all but two states, Rhode Island and Hawaii.