Nominations are based on sales figures and radio play.
These listings are based on computer-processed sales figures from 3,050 bookstores and from representative wholesalers with more than 28,000 other retail outlets, including variety stores and supermarkets.
The list is based on computer-processed sales figures from 2,000 bookstores and from representative wholesalers.
Market values for Class 1 are based on sales figures.
Now your brother is mad, because the profit he thought he was going to make was based on phony sales figures.
Ms. DuBois said her organization's numbers for animal use were based on sales figures provided by members.
The listings above are based on computer-processed sales figures from 2,000 bookstores in every region of the United States, statistically adjusted to represent sales in all bookstores.
This chart is not based on sales figures but compiled by a jury instead.
According to an analysis by Merrill Lynch, based on sales figures, there will be more than a million stent operations this year, nearly double the number performed five years ago.
Awards were based on sales figures submitted by record companies.