A clawing and whining noise at the door had become audible.
Her eyes stared; her cheeks were now gray; and her breathing had become audible.
She was not suitably dressed for the outdoors and her shivering had become audible.
At the same time they heard a singular drum-like throbbing, as if the heart of the huge monster had become audible.
Bass's words were becoming barely audible, and Pitt had to place his ear at the tremoring lips.
Greylock knew his voice had almost become audible to those within the Palace, and he dropped his voice.
Only a faint mechanical rumble issued from it, becoming more audible as the Duke opened his door.
However, the amulet of privacy was giving out; they were becoming audible and visible.
The footsteps passed and became less audible.
But they are becoming more audible and visible; perhaps even more numerous.