The women, bedraggled and jungle-stained, paid no attention to the lake.
Now, to his immense surprise, he could feel very little save pity for the bedraggled woman who sat beside him.
She could have wept for joy to see the two dirty, bedraggled women who came into view behind Arik.
He stopped mid-stride, his scarred face dangerous as the bedraggled woman stepped in front of him.
She came splashing up with two bedraggled women, "Yeah.
The bedraggled woman and her son effectively blocked his way to the stone steps.
Within the huts Travec glimpsed a number of bedraggled women and several children playing in the dirt.
Suddenly she looked up, and he saw for the first time that it was a woman, tired and bedraggled from her arduous journey.
It was a woman, tired and bedraggled from her arduous journey.
Six bedraggled women cowered on their knees, bowing to him, backed against a wall.