In Germany and Poland, boys dressed as bishops begged alms for the poor-and sometimes for themselves!
Meanwhile, he begged alms for the nuns' temporal sustenance.
Therefore, Puji monk begged alms everywhere, and gathered more than 70,000 Lian silver in two years.
The entire company of monks stretched their arms out, turning their hands palm up as though begging alms.
They were located near settlements, close enough for begging alms from the population but with enough seclusion to not disturb meditation.
They traveled from town to town, singing and preaching the glory of God and begging alms.
When you meet someone you don't want to talk to at all, beg alms.
In due course they learned that the household was supported by the wives walking the streets of Harlem, dressed as nuns, begging alms.
Sitting on the steps, begging alms.
Once two poor women came to the castle to beg alms.