Maximum sound pressure level for behavioural effects is dependent on context (Southall et al.).
In animal studies it was effective for the treatment of neuropathic pain, but failed to produce cannabis-like behavioural effects.
Furthermore, evidence shows beneficial behavioural effects and an overall benefit to frontal function and cognitive performance.
In addition chlordiazepoxide has been shown to be able to substitute for the behavioural effects of barbiturates in a primate study.
This may be due to a dissociation of the subjective and behavioural effects of narcosis.
These follow hundreds of published studies reporting biochemical and behavioural effects in animals.
Etizolam has been shown to be able to substitute for the behavioural effects of barbiturates in primate studies.
This not only simplifies accounting systems, but also has an important behavioural effect.
Serious adverse behavioural effects are often associated with toluene abuse related to the deliberate inhalation of solvents.
In addition to the physical effects of wing-clipping, there can be adverse behavioural effects.