Inherited behavioural traits have been honed by natural selection.
Teenage rebellion has been recognized within psychology as a set of behavioural traits that supersede class, culture, or race.
"Cool is an age-specific phenomenon, defined as the central behavioural trait of teenagerhood."
Often, ethnicity also connotes shared cultural, linguistic, behavioural or religious traits.
This was coupled with positive changes in evaluated behavioural traits.
Of course, matching this molecular data to morphological and behavioural traits would make for some interesting reading, in my humble opinion.
In fact, of course, many behavioural traits are not constant throughout the life of an individual; they are subject to developmental change.
Regret and the anticipation of it, aka loss-aversion, are important behavioural traits for investors to understand.
An anonymous Dutchman gave some description of behavioural traits in 1631:
This Malaysian mystery bird species is quite remarkable for one of its behavioural traits; what is that?