The "Stripes," he said, could do with better editing and more reporters, but "it's not a bad paper, not bad."
The print copy has slight improvements over the digital copy including better editing and a different font for the entries of Thomas Hunter.
The New York Times was not as impressed and felt that with better editing it could have equalled some of Irving's more powerful works.
It's important information, but the whole series could have used higher production values and better editing.
But while A Dance with Dragons cries out for better editing, it remains entirely engrossing.
Scanned and proofed by David Price We are now trying to release all our books one month in advance of the official release dates, for time for better editing.
His book could have used better editing, and the index is unreliable.
We are now trying to release all our books one year in advance of the official release dates, leaving time for better editing.
The idea was sweet, and with better editing and technical support it might have been outstanding.
You can do better - better editing and better reading.