Kyla blissfully ignored her, strolling off across the grounds with Patrick.
But the stock market blissfully ignored the rioting on Thursday, and while selling increased on Friday, there was no panic exit.
I've been in a few rooms in the Temple" - Tas blissfully ignored Caramon's horrified glance - "and, believe me, it's not worth the bother.
She plays his girlfriend, describing a wonderful weekend in New York, blissfully ignoring whatever knowledge of his behavior she might carry in her heart.
My husband howled threats while I blissfully ignored my rope responsibilities.
Scrabbling around in one of the drawers, he found a fork to turn the meat over as it cooked, blissfully ignoring the globules of fatty water splattering everywhere.
Hundreds of passengers blissfully ignored them.
Mora said their names slowly, blissfully ignoring the fact that only Garciaparra is in the top 10 in hitting.
Just restored to print, this book shows that renewed prosperity and an authoritarian mentality led ordinary Germans either to support or to blissfully ignore Government atrocities.
You blissfully ignore stained fingers and charred lips, are blind to a table that now looks like the finale to a Vincent Price film.