However, when it is a matter of real need with me, I trust I shall never be backward, being resolute by nature and well-trained in bodily exercise.
He did not care for any sports or bodily exercises but one; and that, too, was unusual in these parts.
I continued walking in this manner for some time, endeavouring by bodily exercise to ease the load that weighed upon my mind.
A group of 22 young individuals gathered on certain days of the week to perform bodily exercises in the Serencebey neighborhood of Beşiktaş.
Since others did not play football, which was in disfavor in those days, they only participated in bodily exercises.
Xenophon represents Socrates as remonstrating with him on his neglect of the bodily exercises requisite for health and strength.
I hired men to row and took an oar myself, for I had always experienced relief from mental torment in bodily exercise.
A certain amount of bodily or mental exercise, a considerable amount of doing things under the direction of one's free imagination is quite another matter.
Following out this idea, he discusses in a casuistic form food and drink, dress and love of finery, bodily exercises and social conduct.
After his father's death in 1623, he devoted himself to bodily exercises and in a great measure overcame his natural weakness.