Private societies and official bodies dedicated to preservation tut-tutted and said: 'what a shame' but did nothing.
Bermuda National Trust, a body dedicated to the preservation of historic and environmental sites of interest, including several museums.
The institute was established as a body dedicated to teaching and performing sacred music.
It is a government-funded body dedicated to promoting the performing, visual and literary arts in England.
Full members have a national body dedicated to the sport, and participate annually in the international championships.
Associate members either do not have a national body dedicated to the sport, or do not regularly participate in the international championships.
Wales is blessed with a large number of environmental voluntary bodies dedicated to the conservation and quiet enjoyment of the countryside.
This applies, in particular, to various interest groups and to the environmental bodies dedicated to eco-labelling.
Europe' s citizens cannot wait any longer for us to set up a body dedicated to protecting their health.
He is a board member of the non-profit body dedicated to finding a cure for Crohn and Colitis disease.