The way the body metabolizes iron and certain proteins in the brain may be related to restless legs syndrome.
So the inactive person's body cannot metabolize fuel as well.
The human body metabolizes fosamprenavir in order to form amprenavir, which is the active ingredient.
Alcohol may change the way the body metabolizes estrogen.
Sorbitol, also known as glucitol, is a sugar alcohol, which the human body metabolizes slowly.
Does eating dark chocolate every day for two weeks affect the way the body metabolizes stress hormones?
Over time, the body metabolizes ethylene glycol into other toxins.
The human body, for example, metabolizes glucose in a delicately choreographed dance.
There are few ways of increasing the speed at which your body metabolizes food, but this is a very valuable one.
The procedure filled out his face, but his body metabolized the substance quickly and he had to repeat the treatment to sustain the effect.