On the first day, they find a young woman's body submerged near some rocks.
The video begins with the band standing in a lake, their bodies submerged under the water with only their heads sticking out.
Stones in Druitt's pockets had kept his body submerged for about a month.
As more of her body submerged, the current had more to push.
With the rest of their bodies submerged, their eyes go unnoticed.
When they nudged against the stairs, they settled on a step, their bodies submerged in the water.
Vaintè floated with her body submerged, her head above the water.
A body submerged in water loses body heat twenty-four times faster than it does in air of the same temperature.
"One of the most important requirements, it emerged, was to position the sandbags so as to keep the body permanently submerged."
This allows them to be in the water with most of their body submerged in the water.