The N.H.L. and Fox bravely attempted to broaden the sport's appeal with these ideas.
Jeffrey Archer bravely attempted to remonstrate.
Sid easily gains Bernie's co-operation in the scheme, which they bravely attempt to keep secret from the girls.
Behind that heavy desk two cornered victims were attempting bravely to return the fire of mobsmen.
Otto declares his guilt and tries to shoot Father Logan, who bravely attempts to approach him and reason with him.
Armored leg infantry, bravely attempting to defend the base with small arms, were mowed down on strafing runs.
She bravely attempts to recover the occasion, but this time has to admit defeat and dismiss the guests.
The official story, by Diana, was that Martin bravely attempted to "rescue" Diana from human security forces and was killed "getting her to freedom".
Several police officers and policemen who bravely attempted to stem the tide sustained injuries in mob action.
However, the great need for the biological and human sciences to integrate across subdisciplines, as the authors bravely attempt here, makes this a hugely worthwhile book.