They don't look so tough to me Don McGuire declared bravely.
He bravely declared that he was guilty of all the above charges.
Flavio bravely declares his intention to take out Lizardo, and then goes off in a random direction, encountering all sorts of villains along the way.
Meanwhile accosting Doraiswami demanding his son's release, Ratnam Pillai declares bravely that he would overpower the touted bull.
Unnoticed amid this turmoil was the 50th anniversary of a remarkable essay that bravely declared the world would be better off if large states splintered into small pieces.
"It is almost certain," Scientific American declared bravely in 1952, "that 'bit' will become common parlance in the field of information, as 'horsepower' is in the motor field."
Courting opprobrium, the president raised the touchy issue of weapons of mass destruction and bravely declared that it would be bad if they were used.
Speaking of drugs in his Inaugural Address, President Bush declared bravely that "this scourge must stop."
Pointing to the work of Mr. Kauff man and others, he bravely declares that not only life but also intelligence - intelligence capable of discovering mathematical laws - is inevitable.
"You overreach yourself, Nightshade," he declared bravely.