Jeffrey Sachs is standing on a dusty brown hillside in Nazareth.
Dreary matchbox bungalows have given way to more affluent brick houses with green lawns and flower gardens climbing the brown hillside a half-dozen miles west of Pretoria.
An empty, brown hillside sloped down to the right side of the road.
From Merritt they continued on to Kamloops, a small city on the Thompson River surrounded by brown hillsides and sagebrush, where they would spend the night.
And a sign at the edge of the scrubby brown hillside warned, "Caution: Rattlesnakes."
I turned back and tried to mentally crop out the high-tension wires on the brown scrubby hillside rising directly behind the lot.
Just drive, he told himself, On a brown hillside, off to his right, a wind farm's white masts.
The land folded in on itself as far as you could see - green and brown hillsides sinking down in repetition, marked by the dark masses of trees and hedges.
We traveled across brown hillsides seared by summer, and left those two horses at a fisherman's hut.
A farmer ploughing a brown hillside raised his hand in salute, and Ged replied the same way.