Suddenly with a brusque movement it stood clear from Panbeck and stepped out into the room.
With a brusque movement of anger, she flicked the mat back to cover the words.
With a brusque movement, he pushed the gray snow out of his eyes and looked toward the Giant.
He sat up beside her and yanked off his clothes with a few brusque movements.
He shook his head with a brusque decisive movement.
He motioned her inside with a brusque movement of his head.
By the drums, Bolan made a brusque movement to catch their eyes.
With a brusque movement I pulled a postcard out of my pocket and shoved it across the table.
Jenny moved again, as though to speak, but a brusque movement of Ian's hand stopped her.
He waved, a curiously brusque movement for such a normally expansive gesture.