Have to use buffalo dung for cooking, there being no timber," he said.
He had only a tiny fire, made of buffalo dung, and a dead horse lay nearby.
"They are poisoned with buffalo dung," he comments, "cheap and effective but not for game hunting."
Campfires last night and this morning were fueled almost entirely by buffalo dung; wood is that scarce.
Longshadow considered Singh less than a flop of buffalo dung.
Once the light limned great streaming piles of fresh buffalo dung.
Food tasted just as good cooked over buffalo dung and dusty bodies felt clean when washed in a cupful of precious water.
In India dry buffalo dung is used as fuel.
They sat with their vicious dogs around fires of buffalo dung.
Because there were no buffaloes in the neighborhood, the staple fuel of buffalo dung was almost nonexistent.