Ecdysone therefore is sometimes called molting hormone.
It is therefore called luteinizing hormone, usually abbreviated as LH.
Melanotan-II is similar to a substance in our bodies, called "melanocyte-stimulating hormone," which increases the production of skin-darkening pigments.
The parathyroid glands release a substance called parathyroid hormone that helps control the amount of calcium in the bloodstream.
A part of the brain (hypothalamus) produces a substance called gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH).
This chemical is called gonadotropin-releasing hormone, or GnRH.
The pigment cells are called melanophores and therefore, in amphibians, the hormone is often called melanophore-stimulating hormone.
The generator operates by secreting batches of a hormone called gonadotropin-releasing hormone every 90 minutes or so.