His horse and sleigh broke though ice weakened by cattle dung near a watering hole dug in the frozen lake.
Acres of cattle farms were razed to make way for flower-filled parks and to eliminate the powerful smell of cattle dung so close to town.
Something I did think of when you mentioned about the the cattle dung that the word that we remember was.
Rotted wet cattle dung, it's no fresh cattle dung's never.
This species has also been seen using its beak to tear apart rotten wood and inspecting cattle dung in the search for food.
The nest is made out of thorny twigs while the interior chamber is lined with dry grass and dried cattle dung.
The roofs were flat and used for storage: onions, maize stalks, cattle dung being dried out for fuel, firewood.
The insects laid their eggs in the fresh cattle dung where they were trodden under the hoofs of the milling herd and could not hatch.
That dependence was historically very strong, with even huts of the Maasai built from dried cattle dung.
In the Finnish translations the words 'waste water' and 'waste products' were used for a long time, whereas we really speak of cattle dung and urine.