Not maintaining hair extensions properly can cause breakage and thinning.
Failure general occurs when the cracks reach a critical length, causing breakage to happen suddenly under normal loading conditions.
Nickel sulfide stones are uncommon, microscopic defects in glass, and may cause breakage.
This can cause a weak area in the part which can cause breakage when the part is under stress.
This prevents wobbling, which can cause breakage.
It may or may not cause addon breakage, but at least you can choose to bite the bullet and keep using them anyway.
It weakens the wood slightly and can leave residual stresses which may cause breakage or spring-back over time.
If the pane is very large and the thickness selected is inadequate, wind loads can cause breakage.
"Who's to say that this bacteria 20 years down the road would not cause breakage in chromosomes or cancer in these children?"
Diseases that can cause hair loss, thinning, or breakage include: