It "gives me more energy," she said, adding that its use had never caused memory loss or hallucinations in her.
When this happens in the middle of the brain, it can cause vivid hallucinations.
"I don't see anything that could cause hallucinations," she said, frowning a bit.
No, I never even thought of that, though they can cause hallucinations.
In some cases, withdrawal of a drug can also cause hallucinations.
The team must pass through a forest known for causing hallucinations.
Many medical and psychiatric conditions that can cause hallucinations may quickly become emergencies.
Taken in excess, it can accelerate a person's heart rate and cause hallucinations.
Today it is known that absinthe does not cause hallucinations.
Lots of people are saying it causes hallucinations and dry mouth, two things that I am not willing to give a try.