A French manual published in 1780 also describes chocolate liqueur.
There are several brands of chocolate liqueur on the market; this is attributed to a 1990s "chocolate craze."
Early 19th century recipes for chocolate liqueur featured whole cocoa beans.
In its purest form, chocolate liqueur is clear; coloring may be added.
Recipes for home-made chocolate liqueurs may also include raw eggs as an ingredient, presenting a risk of salmonellosis.
Cucumber I quite liked this, but possibly just because it was a fun idea - like a tempura version of chocolate liqueurs.
The fried ice cream can also be ordered with a shot of chocolate liqueur.
For the filling, beat the butter with the icing sugar until light and fluffy, then beat in the chocolate liqueur.
Sometimes it's way off - chocolate liqueur for breakfast followed by the Romanian equivalent of chocolate blancmange.
Sir Eustace has decided upon chocolates as the vehicle-and chocolate liqueurs at that.