Data looked puzzled for a moment; then he activated his laugh program, chuckling lightly.
Still, he maintained his equanimity, and even chuckled lightly himself.
All you have to do is say no." Jacque chuckles lightly.
Floating along on my post-run high, I chuckled lightly.
He chuckled lightly and lay a tiny peck upon the end of her nose.
Allukah chuckled lightly, but the diversion was already wearing thin.
A wry smile pulling his lips upward, Stevens chuckled lightly.
Ma chuckled lightly and scrounged the clothes in and out of the bucket.
"Oh yes, let's think of something later," he chuckled lightly to himself.
Kathryn chuckled lightly in response before adding, "Maybe he takes some time to get to know."