The church overlooks Puerto Vallarta's plaza with its central bandstand and adjacent Palacio Municipal (City Hall).
Overlooking the square (on a higher level reached by steps) is the church, which has a large clock on its façade.
The church overlooks the jetty of the salt merchants on the Danube channel.
In mid-size communities, you typically find the post office, the hardware store, maybe the former hotel, often a park or church - and now this church overlooks an 11,000-square-foot concrete box.
The 3,000-member church occupies the former Coronet cinema complex and overlooks the Woolwich Ferry right in the centre of a busy cosmopolitan township.
A 16th-century church, dedicated to the Asunción de Nuestra Señora, overlooks the entrance to the town.
Saint Mary's church and primary school on the hill overlook the village.
On the hill made by her hip a church overlooks a colonial village divided by a large chasm.
St Brendan's church in the village of Brendon also overlooks the valley; the current building dates to 1738.
But it also says that the church has often overlooked the "created goodness" of sexuality.