He has yet to hear from anyone willing to claim authorship.
It would be hard to claim authorship of a cake from a mix even if the icing is homemade.
Authors occasionally forgo claiming authorship, for a number of reasons.
This is usually the case with older texts in which the author is long dead and unable to claim authorship of a work.
Witold Gombrowicz never claimed authorship of the work until a few days before his death in 1969.
Writers are usually unabashed about claiming authorship for their work.
However, it is fair to mention that others have also claimed authorship of this fruitful idea.
In 1991, two hoaxers claimed authorship of many circles throughout England.
Why would Trafficant want to claim authorship of a turkey, especially with his other book doing so well?
Works in which Bailey claimed sole authorship of the material.