The two groups parted in the clammy darkness.
The camp was almost as bright as day, but beyond, to front and rear, stretched the clammy darkness of the Moravian moor.
In the clammy darkness, the deep caverns are filled with piles of unexploded ammunition, including mortar shells and rocket-propelled grenades.
Jenna strained to catch the faintest echo of sound in the clammy darkness, but heard only the distant rush of water and Lachley's sharp, clattering footsteps far ahead.
It had almost killed Spock, materializing out of the Nautilus's clammy darkness, a mindless and silent hunter.
My face, turned sideways, ground into the turf and through it, into dirt, into a cold, clammy darkness that invaded eyes and nose and mouth.
Crossing the threshold, he was engulfed instantly by a dead and clammy darkness, touched with the faint fetor of corruption, and a smell as of charred bone and flesh.
In the clammy darkness, they weighted the feet of the dead men and slipped the corpses into the water.
But here in the clammy darkness it didn't seem like an astoundingly good idea, so he slammed the door, wrapped some sacking around the madly jangling bells, and tried to get back to sleep.
A flap of flesh scooped him up, cartilage hooks caught in his clothing and cold, clammy darkness compressed him.