Khmer Rouge officials have said the clandestine movements in January were cases of "family reunification."
Its recent contacts with journalists have disclosed a committed clandestine movement working in both urban and rural fronts to build its strength.
We do not support clandestine movements bent on destabilizing legally constituted Governments.
From this vantage point he could see the slight clandestine movement of the sniper.
There were rumors he was also involved in some clandestine movement to retake Algeria.
By the mid 1950s clandestine political movements had formed.
Crofts passed easily by through the shadows; he was a professional in the art of clandestine movement and besides, who would have expected to find him there?
Her network was her eyes and ears on the clandestine movements of the world.
It was less risky than joining a clandestine anti-Franco movement, and allowed them to express their dissidence.
What's to stop Russia's clandestine anti-democracy movement?