He reports a significant increase in interest since private clients began to be deserted by some of the big City brokers.
"The talk about this first success gave us credibility, and clients began to sign up for our lecture series."
Their client was beginning to blame them for the delays, they wrote.
By this time, the client wants to hear more and begins to speak directly to the spirit.
Although the agency's billings reached $195 million in 1985, important clients had begun to leave.
Now we're doing better than the market, which is good, but clients are beginning to lose money.
Once the processes involved have been understood, and a future plan delineated, clients can begin to make positive changes.
He said his client would begin writing the book after a short vacation.
"It was about then that our clients began to want speakers on substantive subjects," he said.
The client begins sending requests when it is ready to make the transition to a new state.