Adult clients, many of whom are seniors, participate in an array of therapeutic activities, education, and other support services throughout the day.
Counselors perform the tests during the counseling session and allow clients to see their test strips and participate in the interpretation of results.
Then the client connects directly to the peers in order to request pieces and otherwise participate in a swarm.
In the interactive groups, clients participate in drills to change how they react to common irritating situations.
Once elected, a committee organizes a diagnostic process in which all its clients participate to identify a local priority for research.
They also encourage clients to care for the environment, support education, and participate in sports activities-things Vergara considers very important for all of society.
Upon what authority do the clients participate and whose initiative was it that launched the participation?
The Philippines has done so, and the Mindanao foundation's clients participate in a savings plan, too.
We undertook an intensive name development program, and after careful screening in which the client participated, recommended several excellent names.
Counseling skills (e.g., attentive listening, use of open-ended questions) that allow clients to participate might have been overlooked.