It was after her return from Slade that Anupam Sud developed an intense interest in exploring clothed and unclothed human figures through the medium of etching.
The pointing man is the only clothed figure in the panel, and as Fraenger observes, "he is clothed with emphatic austerity right up to his throat".
Over her towered the lean clothed figure of John Carberry, a riding crop in his hand.
I'm interested in the clothed figure, not the clothes off the figure and whether it is a fantasy or there is an aim to make it true.
When asked about the subject's nudity, Mr. Fischl said that he originally considered creating a clothed figure as a memorial, but decided against it.
In the London painting, all the forms are more defined, including the bodily forms of the clothed figures.
It came to a skidding halt just beyond the tanks and several clothed figures emerged, clumsily grasping hand weapons.
Eyes stared resentfully at the clothed figures.
Mary Cassatt, John LaFarge and Edouard Vuillard drew clothed figures with unusual presence.
The odalisque (harem scene) was also a popular subject for depicting one-sided female nudity, although the clothed figures in the scene were not always male.