Unlike Poppins, McPhee is a clownish figure with a bulbous nose, facial warts and a buck tooth that droops over her lower lip.
The first panel shows a little boy in a nightshirt sitting up in bed staring at a clownish figure before him.
He was considered a man of great natural genius whose uncouth style and subject-matter, so natural for the clownish figure depicted in the Noctes Ambrosianae, should not be held against him.
The clownish figure who performs this task, awash in ominous darkness, will return at regular intervals to clang a pair of cymbals for silly dramatic emphasis.
She became a clownish figure who would invariably enter at unforeseen moments, wearing outlandish costumes which related to her almost mythical past experiences.
The worst "got the hook" from Porto Rico, a clownish figure in a bonnet who was actually Norman Miller, a stagehand.
A carnival when masks are used, or when incongruous or clownish figures are seen, implies discord in the home; business will be unsatisfactory and love unrequited.
A lion, with a mane of many-colored ribbons, chases a clownish figure in a lace dress.
Nothing hinted at the clownish, ranting figure of later years.
He becomes more extreme with no waistline discernible, a very large, clownish figure.