These scams became widely known and now also have meaning as a common figure of speech.
While the bomb killed about 74,000 people, the most common figure for the death toll in Nanjing is 200,000.
Such figures, common to America's inner cities, are no surprise.
He became a common figure on Puerto Rican television during election years.
In Turkey, the most common figure for the death toll is 300,000.
Stephaton is a particularly common figure in medieval Irish art.
The answers ranged from $30,000 to $12 million, with the most common figure being $2 million.
A common figure for discard is 40 % of all fish caught.
A common figure of speech is to say that someone "threw down the gauntlet".
While some have very high value still in their original package, the most common loose figures ranges from $1-$5.