Many other companies, while not going so far, are streamlining.
Every time a company streamlines itself by destroying a job, ten other businesses lose a customer.
Mr. Amman said that the company would in the "next few months explore ways to further streamline the company's operations."
This allows companies to streamline production, boost competency, and increase their bottom line.
So, as they seek profits, companies streamline their operations at home and look for profit margins abroad.
This helped the company reduce inventory levels and streamline its supply chain to reach high efficiency, dramatically increasing margins.
Some of that progress comes as companies reduce their payrolls, close factories and streamline balance sheets.
Under these grants, companies can streamline internal procedures and help aerospace purchasing managers create greater savings by looking beyond a simple comparison of labor costs.
Supporters say the combined company will streamline its PC operations, becoming more efficient.
The battle between Allstate and agents who say they were forced out of their jobs as the company has been streamlining its operations took another turn yesterday.