The Administration's most recent forecast estimated that the deficit, on a comparable basis, would be $109 billion in 2002.
On a comparable basis, October's performance was the worst since the 1.1pc decline in January last year.
But since last year's figure included $54 million in tax benefits, Chemical's earnings were up 9 percent on a comparable basis.
On a comparable basis the 1921 population was more like 47,000, a decline of 18% from 1851.
On a comparable basis the increase was 52%.
On a comparable basis, sales for the 1986 quarter increased 7 percent.
To look at it on a comparable basis.
The EV-1 was leased on a basis comparable to a vehicle in the mid-$30,000 range.
Net income grew 47 percent in 2006 on a comparable per share basis.
"If 2006 stinks, 2007 on a comparable basis is going to look pretty incredible," he said.