Most entrees are half the price of comparable ones at other restaurants.
There are exchange schemes which allow owners to 'swop' their periods with comparable ones in other parts of the world.
These bodies were presumably as representative of the Welsh estates as comparable ones elsewhere at the time.
New buildings will have a higher price per square foot and their apartments will generally be smaller than comparable ones in older buildings.
Its performing ensembles, highly professional and specialized, are the ones most comparable to the new-music groups on American campuses.
So the difference tax-wise between the new funds and comparable older ones would seem to be even less marked.
The procedures of this court were more complex than comparable ones in England.
As a result, the basic game included many rules and concepts which contradicted comparable ones in the advanced game.
This tax advantage means that the yields on the bonds are lower than those on comparable taxable ones.
But these changes, designed to please the west, were not matched by any remotely comparable ones on the home front.