To really select the winner, the interview is significant, and where beauty is concerned, I'm completely unbiased.
"And I'd rather you didn't know anything beforehand, so you can conduct a completely unbiased examination if need be."
He is completely unbiased, and he certainly doesn't have any reason to feel threatened just because Triana has a pretty face.
Careful attention is paid to the wording of the statements so that they are not leading, not full of jargon, and completely unbiased.
It is as completely unbiased as it can be.
During a 40 year long career, he always stood for the importance of being completely unbiased towards the political, economical and religious powers.
SL2College believes that it will lead to a conflict of interest and it might hamper their efforts of being completely unbiased.
Automatic summaries present information extracted from multiple sources algorithmically, without any editorial touch or subjective human intervention, thus making it completely unbiased.
Culture will tell, though; the only completely unbiased listener is a sleeping one.
He was completely unbiased and never took sides.