In 1990, Sudan's road system totaled between 20,000 and 25,000 kilometers, comprising an extremely sparse network for the size of the country.
In a bilateral system comprising a network of reciprocal relationships the entity against which claims are made is evident.
They comprise a dense network on several levels, making Optymistychna what is known as a "maze cave."
It comprises a complex network of smaller organizations which each contribute a part of the production process.
The collective comprises a tight network of different companies, non-commercial projects, and creative individuals.
The centre comprises a network of educational facilities that include:
By 2007 the Metro leger comprised a network of 32 kilometers with 47 stations.
The railway as a whole comprised a network of lines as follows:
The plot comprises an admirably complex network of secrets and betrayals.
Galileo is to comprise a network of 30 satellites and a ground-control infrastructure.