Computer enhancement of photographic images is one thing, computer editing is another.
Before computer editing, sound editors used reel-to-reel audio tape players to record sound.
In post production, the surrounding water was removed with computer editing, and the image of the air-jet pasted into the center of the opening stargate.
But synthesizers and computer editing are transforming concert music as well.
While many video artists have been quick to adopt new technologies to their medium, Viola relies little on computer editing.
For an exhibit on computer editing, Mr. Goodman worked with a group of programmers and designers to develop an interactive station where visitors can piece together a variety of images.
Using video post-production high-end specialized tools, including Henry, Spirit, Flame, and others, the team strove to deliver a high-speed computer editing and post-production process.
In the days before digital computer editing, many large video and audio reels and videocassettes had to be combined.
While actual infants played Bob, the effect to make him look like he was talking was achieved through computer editing.
She does not use darkrooms or computer editing, just straight photography.