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There was an almost concerted movement back to the coaches.
There was a small but concerted movement by some Bajorans across the planet to leave it.
As its engine raced noisily, Ransom noticed a concerted movement through the camp.
There has been a concerted movement to captive breeding and certification programs for wild-caught fish.
The word is then applied to a ringleader or one who takes the lead in any movement or concerted movement.
But this internecine strife gave place at length to a concerted movement to prevent the whole export of metal from their land.
Our eyes met, and then with a concerted movement we flung open the door.
It was a slow movement, steady and concerted.
There was a concerted movement away from the hall, everyone crouching low.
Suddenly there was a concerted movement and the packed mass of men surged at me in a great wave.