In September, the United Nations may consider a Palestinian request for admission as a sovereign state.
The federal capital Vienna is considered as a state as well.
The country became considered as a 7th Australian state by the Australian Football League's international development department.
Prior to the election, all 17 news organizations considered this a state Obama would win, or otherwise considered as a safe blue state.
Prior to the election, all 12 news organizations considered Texas as a safe red state for President Bush.
Afghanistan was considered by the Soviet Union as a state with a socialist orientation.
Prior to the election, 10 of 12 news organizations considered this a state Bush would win, or otherwise considered as a red state.
In the matrimonial domain, Tunisia remains often considered as a state open to the advances of the modern world.
Prior to the election, most news organizations considered it as a state Kerry would win, or a blue state.
But I now know that the experience, considered as a state of my own mind, had never had the kind of importance I once gave it.