This study also showed that people who ate cereal breakfasts tended to consume less total fat and cholesterol, and more fiber, than noncereal eaters.
Facing these sorts numbers in impulsively consumed fat, nutritionists and psychologists are doing their best to help fans untangle the impulses that have paved the national hot dog highway.
These margarines can help lower cholesterol levels, particularly in people who have high cholesterol levels or who consume too much fat in their diets.
After completing his study, Atwater concluded that Americans consumed too much fat and sweets and did not exercise enough.
The people in these countries also consume more dietary fat and cholesterol and have higher blood cholesterol levels than we do.
If you're worried about consuming too much fat, go for skim or 2% milk or reduced-fat cheese.
But if New Yorkers consume trans fat at McDonald's or Chinese restaurants, it's because they ordered it themselves.
It is also possible to have a vegetarian diet that does not - it's always easy to consume too much fat, not enough fiber, and enough minerals, and too many calories.
Consumers may also have been scared by some doctors' warnings that low-carb plans encourage dieters to consume too many calories and too much saturated fat, which may contribute to heart disease.
Sometimes consuming too much fat can lead to indigestion in pregnant women.