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As he stared down into it, the continual movement of the water produced an almost hypnotic sensation.
Each individual item has a story to tell and can provide insights into a continual movement for the advancement of healthcare.
But in the bustle and continual movement, he couldn't quite work out which one was Florentyna.
Except for the continual movement of fingers against blade, she appeared more than composed enough.
Make them document their belief that the continual movement to the Left over nearly forty years has been mere coincidence.
The organization must design and implement a process that ensures continual movement from the current state to the future state.
Superposed on this will be variation due to the continual small movements of the growing plant.
Static stretching involves slow, continual movement until the person is at the limit of his stretch.
The continual movement of fingertips on swollen tender parts was end enough in itself.
Despite the continual movement towards a resolution, the series is incomplete and ended abruptly during the second season.