On the margin of the Palatine manuscripts the marks "C" and "DV" continually recur, and had been variously explained.
This illusion continually recurs; and it is the more treacherous, inasmuch as it presents to the eye the perfect representation of water, at the time when the want of that article is most felt.
Over much of Mr. Williams's 40-odd years of writing, and through a variety of forms, two seemingly contradictory things recur continually.
If your panic attacks become severe or continually recur, you may need to be hospitalized until they are under control.
However, these differences do not continually recur.
He foresaw that this danger would continually recur.
The illness will not kill him but will continually recur and cause him pain.
Terrorist activity is continually recurring in various parts of the world, sowing death and destruction and plunging many of our brothers and sisters into grief and despair.
These questions continually recurred, but I was unable to solve them.
Because the investigative techniques, the characteristics of the accused and the themes of confessions recurred continually through the two years of the witch hunt, Gaskill's comprehensive narrative is understandably yet tediously repetitious.