Frayn's book is a fine tribute to unhappiness stoically endured, and to life that continues bravely on, because it must.
The singer and the band, although distraught by the loss, bravely continue to perform in honour of her love and committed work.
Always the pillar of strength of her family, can she now face up to reality and continue with life bravely?
He broke his thumb just before the series, but bravely continued to play with pain-killers during the campaign.
The sleek young woman's smile faltered, but she bravely continued the interview.
As she turned to peer at Jadrie through the gloom, the girl swallowed but looked straight into Tarma's eyes and bravely continued her thought.
"Perhaps I should explain," he bravely continued, in the face of my utter incomprehension.
She continued bravely, refusing to be defeated by Bond's lack of response.
The tips of Paris's ears turned bright red, but he continued bravely on.
"We're here now to investigate what happened to Eddie," Fitz continued bravely.