The Oriental Theatre in Milwaukee, where the film has played as a Saturday midnight film since January 1978, is the world record holder for continuous showings.
There will also be continuous showings of the film "Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory."
It broke records for continuous showings in many theatres across India, and ran for more than five years at Mumbai's Minerva theater.
There are usually continuous showings.
Libraries have scheduled continuous showings of the 1962 film made from the book, for which Gregory Peck won an Academy Award.
A continuous showing of the 30-minute film "Two Centuries of Black American Art" will accompany the exhibit.
For the opening night, only one show was scheduled, but afterwards it operated on continuous showings beginning at 1:30pm.
In September 1896, continuous showings with the cinematographe lumiere started.
But they are supplemented by a continuous showing of three Waters films - the first made in 1964 when he was in high school - that are worth the price of admission.
To attract buyers, the more than 200 companies participating in the market have continuous showings of promotional reels in their temporary offices and full screenings at nearby theaters.